Ravi Lachhman

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The Challenging Journey - 2020 Oh Boy

Sorry, I took a little hiatus from my personal blog. The last piece I was working on, “Generics are Hard” was sitting in draft for a few months which I still need to go back and strengthen. With the ongoing pandemic and the social strife we face as a society, many of us had to make lots of adjustments in our day-to-day lives. Re-capping over the last few months.


Work all things considered I have been very fortunate. I forget the pundit I was listening to but with the current pandemic, we fall into three categories.

  1. Those who are out of work and now unemployed.

  2. Those who are forced/needed by society to be physically present.

  3. Those who can work from home and can easily practice social distancing.

I am grateful that I fall under the third category which I can work from home and continue my career.

Developer Satisfaction

Over the summer we have been busy at work preparing a report around developer satisfaction. The end product is the 2020 State of Developer Satisfaction which you can get a copy of the report here. We surveyed 500 software engineers from peer firms e.g technology and finance firms around their general satisfaction since the pandemic started to occur.

Nits go away!

Not sure if it is survivor’s guilt e.g have been healthy and still employed, but I feel that the nitpicks e.g nits hat would have been bothersome before the pandemic I take a less seriously. Per the report, 52% of developers are happy in their roles post the pandemic kicking off. I feel folks are feeling like myself, very lucky relatively compared.

Virtual Life

I’ve been working from home e.g without an office space since 2013 so I am pretty accustomed to WFH. Though my jobs since 2013 have bene field engineering focused so there are a lot of interactions with different folks. My current team keeps things pretty light over Zoom. We would have themes for our team meetings and virtual happy hours.

WTF Travel?!

For someone used to being in the air and a hotel living, humbled spending months at home. Though reached a big travel milestone all thanks to a credit card. I hit Delta Million Miler from the comfort of my house.

My Delta Million Miller tag in. Next to my Lifetime Bonvoy Titanium and Delta Diamond Medallion.

The hotels and airlines have been extending status. My Delta Diamond Medallion is good until Jan 2022 so hopefully back to the race in 2021.

Our family vacations have all been put on pause. The next upcoming trip we have is a family vacation for Christmas in Orlando where we are doing Christmas at the Ritz Orlando. Keeping my fingers crossed snagged a pretty great Skymiles redemption for May 2021 to head to Australia again with the family and a few friends. Hope the pandemic has turned for the better by then.