Ravi Lachhman

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KubeCon NA 2019 - ReCap - It's a Wrap!

My third KubeCon is a wrap this year. Though with all the talk about the cloud I have a theory. During KubeCon NA 2019, rain hit San Diego which is really unusual. In 2017 in Austin, it snowed, in 2018 in Seattle it was more rainy than usual. The all-mighty [or who/whatever you believe in] listened and delivered precipitation to all these folks talking about cloud ha!

View from the Booth

This year at KubeCon I had booth duty for the most part with the Harness Squad. The San Diego convention center was great we could actually see outside. San Diego is really chill and was able to get to/from the convention center pretty easily.

We had a lot of conversations with folks with their concerns on Continuous Delivery. You can read my official Harness Blog Post saying adios to San Diego and awaiting Boston to KubeCon 2020.

Frands - Continuous Delivery Foundation

In March of this year, the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) was formed. Little did I know back in March when I was excited about the formation that I would have more of a role in the CDF.

Thanks to JFrog! Kohsuke Kawaguchi [Left, CTO CloudBees] and Daniel R. Odio [Right, CEO of Armory.io].

JFrog put on a great event for us with Friends of the Frog which is an influencer event. I am not sure how I got invited, I was seriously the lowest ranking person there but excited to hang out with such industry titans and great people.

One more +1 for JFrog, I was invited to participate in DevOps SpeakEasy talking about the rise in engineering burden aka Full Lifecycle Developers.

Rumor was I had to drink a Jack and Coke and talk. #struggleIsReal

KubeCon in Short?

Being concise, the big announcement was around Helm V3 which is a stalwart in the Kubernetes Ecosystem. Surprisingly, there was a lot of buzz around Open Policy Agent [OPA] which is backed by fellow Unusual Ventures, venture Styra.

Other Good News?!

When KubeCon was getting kicked off, I got word that my employer of old, Sonatype, got bought out by private equity. I was with Sonatype for about two years and vested about 50% of my stock. Though purchased and filed away under “forget”, the stock options were worth more than I paid. SO:

2020 Macan Turbo that matches my shirt ha!

I decided to take some of those Long Term Capital Gains and get me my first Porsche. I couldn’t be more excited! My friends have been calling this a “car exit”. Not too bad!

Looking forward to KubeCon 2020 in Boston hopefully, we don’t get by a Nor’Easter.
